Sports massage and injury clinic Tiverton
massage Tiverton
My motivation to qualify as a Sports massage, Swedish massage and soft tissue therapist
I have always been active enjoying sports and outdoor activities including cycling, running, hiking, mountain sports and surfing. Feel free to check out my Strava on this link
It was my personal experience that inspired me to train as a massage therapist. I was determined to obtain a level 5 qualification in order to effectively treat injuries, understand pain, prevent further pain flares, and support others on their journey to recovery
My recovery from chronic back injury
I suffered a back injury lifting and consulted many doctors who put it down to being musculoskeletal. I saw many specialists both with the NHS and privately spending thousands which including MRI scans, lidocaine infusion, steroid injections in my SI joints both sides and my piriformis as so desperate to get any relief from the constant pain
Over time pain got gradually worse until I was unable to work. I spent the whole of the Summer only able to walk a few steps, not being able to drive or enjoy activities. I struggled both physically and mentally being prescribed strong anticonvulsant medication for excruciating sciatica and nerve pain from my shoulders to my toes. As the months dragged on the pain became chronic and much harder to deal with.
Massage using various techniques starting with gentle Swedish massage and myofascial release, moving on to deep tissue sports massage and trigger point therapy. This really helped both de-sensitise my nervous system, improve my range of movement and relax/release tight and overactive muscles.
I was really lucky to get an amazing physiotherapist at Royal Devon and Exeter hospital that helped my understanding of pain and the triggers, specifically chronic pain and how it can change our brain and nervous system over time. Pain receptors become more sensitive and overactive producing pain messages that can cause muscle tension long after the injury or illness has healed. Massage was a huge help in desensitising muscles and soothing and retraining pain signals.